Wataru Ito, paper sculptor

Wataru Ito, paper sculptor

During one of his many trips in Japan, Emeric Thibierge meets Wataru Ito, a sculptor who works exclusively with paper. Their meeting is characterized with mutual wonder. Thus two sculptures are born representing the Thibierge Notebook.

The first work of Wataru Ito is a identically representation of Le Carnet Thibierge, entirely made with paper and a hardly credible realism.



Thibierge Version 1 sculpture



The second work materializes the digital dimension of Le Carnet.

Wataru Ito imagined the integrated circuits inside the object. It is quite impressive to realize that this work is made of paper and only paper.

Early, Wataru Ito was fascinated by the antagonism of the paper material, at once delicate softness and incredible strength. 



Thibierge Version 2 sculpture




Biography of the artist


1983: Born in Saitama, Japan.

2010: First exhibition "Paper sculpture" at the Motomachi Gallery in Yokohama.

2011: Bachelor of Art at Tokyo University of the Arts, exhibition "airport of the imagination" at Gallery 58 in Tokyo, exhibition "vegetables with feelings" at the Motomachi Gallery in Yokohama and exhibition "TEDARE ~ Ko Jutsu vol.2 "in the garden of the concept store Spiral in Tokyo.

2012: Exhibition at Andersen Park Kodomo Museum in Funabashi and "KOWAKU ~ Ko Jutsu Vol.3" at the Spiral concept store in Tokyo.

2013: Exhibition "TOKAI ~ Ko Jutsu vol.4".

2014: Exhibition at the Gigi Gallery in Enoshima and exhibition "HYOUBYOU ~ Ko Jutsu vol.5".

2015: "Wataru ito, Tetsuya Ono" and "Quest -selected by Masaharu Makuuchi / ex-chamber museum" exhibitions at the Roppongi Hills A / D Gallery in Tokyo.

2016: "Contemporary Cityscapes" exhibitions at the Roppongi Hills A / D Gallery in Tokyo, "Han Shi-han" in the concept garden Spiral in Tokyo and Radi-um von Roentgenwerke AG in Tokyo

2017: Exhibition at the Ex-chamber Museum in Tokyo and "The doraemonten Tokyo 2017" at the Roppongi Hills Gallery Mori arts center in Tokyo.

2018: Exhibition at the Ex-chamber Museum in Tokyo.



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